Adding -ing

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Adding “-ing” to a verb creates the present participle form. This form has several uses in English grammar, most notably in continuous tenses (like “I am walking”) and as a gerund (a verb acting as a noun, like “Walking is good exercise”).

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When adding -ing to verbs, the spelling of the base verb may change depending on the ending of the word.

Spelling rules for adding “-ing”:

  1. Basic Rule: Add -ing
    For most verbs, you simply add “-ing” to the base form.
    walk → walking
    talk → talking
    eat → eating

  2. Drop the Silent -e
    If the verb ends in a silent “e” (an “e” that isn’t pronounced), you drop the “e” before adding “-ing."
    make → making
    take → taking
    write → writing

Exceptions to the Silent -e Rule:
Verbs ending in “-ee,” “-ye,” or “-oe” generally keep the “e” when adding “-ing”:
see → seeing
agree → agreeing
free → freeing

  1. Double the Final Consonant (CVC Rule)
    This is sometimes called the “1-1-1 rule” (1 syllable, 1 vowel, 1 consonant). If a one-syllable verb ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel (a consonant-vowel-consonant or CVC pattern), you double the final consonant before adding “-ing."
    sit → sitting
    run → running
    swim → swimming

  2. For multi-syllable words, you only double the final consonant if the stress is on the last syllable.
    begin → beginning (stress on “gin”)
    refer → referring (stress on “fer”)
    prefer → preferring (stress on “fer”)
    control → controlling (stress on “trol”)
    But: offer → offering (stress on “of”)
    suffer → suffering (stress on “suf”)
    open → opening (stress on “o”)

  3. Final consonants w, x, and y are not doubled:
    mix → mixing
    play → playing
    row (in a boat) → rowing

  4. -ie Changes to -y
    If a verb ends in “-ie,” you change the “-ie” to “-y” before adding “-ing."
    die → dying
    lie → lying (to recline)
    tie → tying

  5. Ends in “-c,” you add “-king”
    panic → panicking
    mimic → mimicking
    traffic → trafficking

The following diagram gives the some spelling rules for adding -ing. Scroll down the page for more examples.
Spelling rules for adding -ing

Spelling Rules for Verbs
Adding -ed
Irregular Verbs
Adding -ing

The suffix -ing
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Adding ‘ing’
Spelling in English

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