Introduction to Ratios Worksheet

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Printable “Ratio Problems using Tape Diagrams” worksheets:
Introduction to Ratios
Ratio Problems given One of Quantities
Ratio Problems given Total
Ratio Problems given Difference
Ratio Problems with Change of Ratio

Free printable and online worksheets to help Grade 6 students learn about ratios.

Introduction to Ratios

An ratio is a mathematical concept used to compare two quantities of the same kind. It expresses how much of one thing there is compared to another thing.

Ratios can be written in a few different ways:
Colon (:) : This is a common way to represent ratios, especially in simpler cases. For example, 3:2 represents 3 parts to 2 parts.
Phrase: You can express a ratio with a phrase like “3 to 2” or “for every 3 apples, there are 2 oranges."
Fraction: You can express a ratio as a fraction where the numerator (top number) represents the first quantity and the denominator (bottom number) represents the second quantity. For example, a ratio of 3 apples to 2 oranges can be written as 3/2. (Important note: The order matters in a ratio. 3/2 is different from 2/3).

Equivalent Ratios:
Ratios are equal if they represent the same comparison. For example, 3/5 and 6/10 represent the same ratio because they simplify to the same value.

Have a look at these videos if you need to review how to find ratios.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Introduction to Ratios Worksheets.

Introduction to Ratios Worksheet

More Introduction to Ratios Worksheets

(Answers on the second page.)
Introduction to Ratios Worksheet #1
Introduction to Ratios Worksheet #2

Ratio Word Problems I
Ratio Word Problems II
Ratio Word Problems III
Ratio Word Problems IV

Ratios for Grade 6

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