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These lessons, with videos, examples and step-by-step solutions, help Algebra students learn how to solve inverse variation or inverse proportion problems and applications.
Inverse variation describes a relationship between two quantities where, as one quantity increases, the other decreases, and vice versa. Importantly, their product remains constant.
Think of it like a seesaw: when one side goes up, the other goes down.
The following diagram shows the key concepts of inverse variation. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions on Inverse Variation Word Problems.
Algebra Word Problem
Steps to Solve Inverse Variation Word Problems
Inverse Variation
Real life examples of inverse variation
Inverse Variation Application
When modeling real world situations, we often use what’s called inverse variation to describe a relation between two variables. Inverse variation is a relation in which the absolute value of one variable gets smaller while the other gets larger. Inverse variation and direct variation are important concepts to understand when learning equations and interpreting graphs.
Math Variation: Direct and Indirect
When modeling real world situations, we often use what’s called inverse or indirect variation to describe a relation between two variables. Indirect variation is a relation in which the absolute value of one variable gets smaller while the other gets larger. Indirect variation and direct variation are important concepts to understand when learning equations and interpreting graphs.
What’s the Inverse Variation or Indirect Proportionality Formula?
Ever heard of two things being inversely proportional? Well, a good example is speed and time. The bigger your speed, the less time it takes to get to where you are going. So when one variable is big, the other is small, and that’s the idea of inverse proportionality. But you can express inverse proportionality using equations, and that’s an important thing to do in algebra.
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