The Letter J Sound

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More Literacy Lessons for Kindergarten
English for Kids

Videos and songs to help Kindergarten kids learn how to pronounce the letter j.
Learn words that has the letter j at the beginning and middle of words. Learn words that have the /j/ sound at the end.

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Learning the “J” Sound
The “J” sound is represented by the letter J in English. It is a voiceless consonant, meaning it is produced with just the flow of air, and no vocal cord vibration.

Common Words with the “J” Sound

  1. Beginning of Words
    Examples: jump, jam, jog, joy.
  2. In the Middle of Words
    Examples: enjoy, adjust, reject.
  3. End of Words
    Examples: cage, stage, edge

The following diagram shows some examples of words that have the j sound. Scroll down the page for more examples and songs to help you learn how to pronounce words beginning with the j sound.
J sound words

Free worksheets to help students practice writing the letter J/j and the Alphabet.
Letter j Worksheet (lower case)
Letter J Worksheet (upper case)
Write Lower Case Letters
Write Upper Case Letters

The Letter J Song - Learn the Alphabet
Learn the Letter J and some J words

Letter J sound
How to make the “J” sound?
Learn words that contain the J consonant.

Phonics Letter - J song

The J Song

My J Book

Spelling for the /j/ Sound at the End of Words
The /j/ sound at the end of words is typically spelled as either -ge or -dge in English.

  1. Spelling Rule: Use -GE
    When the /j/ sound comes after a long vowel or consonant sound, it is usually spelled -ge.
    Examples: cage, stage, page, large, range, charge
  2. Spelling Rule: Use -DGE
    When the /j/ sound comes after a short vowel, it is usually spelled -dge.
    Examples: badge, edge, bridge, judge, fudge, wedge
    Quick Tips to Remember
    Short Vowel + /j/ → Add -dge (badge, fudge, judge).
    Long Vowel or Consonant + /j/ → Add -ge (cage, stage, large).

The Soft G Sound
Pronunciation: The soft G sound is pronounced like the “J” sound. It occurs when the letter G is followed by E, I, or Y.
G + E: gem, age, large, page
G + I: giant, magic, religion, fragile
G + Y: energy, biology, gym, strategy

Learning the Alphabet Worksheets
A/a B/b C/c D/d
E/e F/f G/g H/h
I/i J/j K/k L/l
M/m N/n O/o P/p
Q/q R/r S/s T/t
U/u V/v W/w X/x
Y/y Z/z a-z A-Z

Learn the sound of the letters

Learning Short Vowels

Short Vowels
Short A Short E Short I
Short O Short U Short Vowels

Learning Long Vowels

Long Vowels
Long A Long E Long I
Long O Long U Y (vowel)
Long Vowels Short & Long Vowels

Compare Short & Long Vowels

Short & Long Vowels
Short & Long A Short & Long E Short & Long I
Short & Long O Short & Long U

Learning Consonants

Letter B Hard C Soft C
Letter D Letter F Hard G
Soft G Letter H Letter J
Letter K Letter L Letter M
Letter N Letter P Letter Q
Letter R Letter S Letter T
Letter V Letter W Letter X
Letter Y Letter Z

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