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This is a series of lectures in videos covering Chemistry topics taught in High Schools.
LeChatelier's Principle
How Le Chatelier's Principle can be used to predict the effect of disturbances to equilibrium?
When a reversible reaction is at equilibrium disturbances (in concentration, temperature, pressure, etc.) will be offset to reach a new equilibrium. For examples when more reactants are added the reaction will move to the right to reestablish the equilibrium constant.
LeChatelier's Principle Part 1 of 2
How to manipulate equilibrium systems to make them favor reactants and products. Learn about the 3 stresses you can do to an equilibrium and how to predict which way it will shift.
The 3 stresses are changes in concentration, changes to the pressure, changes to the temperature.
LeChatelier's Principle Part 2 of 2
How a system at equilibrium responds to changes in temperature?
When a temperature is increased endothermic reaction is favored.
When a temperature is decreased exothermic reaction is favored.
Adding a catalyst has no effect on the equilibrium.
Le Chatelier's Principle of Chemical Equilibrium
This tutorial provides a basic introduction into Le Chatelier's Principle of chemical equilibrium. It explains how to determine which direction the reaction will shift if the concentrations of the reactants and products increase in value. It also explains the effect of a catalyst and an inert noble gas on the position of equilibrium. Other effects include pressure, temperature (endothermic and exothermic reactions), volume, adding water, and changes in the pH of the solution.
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