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Linear Programming: Examples

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Inequalities, Shading Regions, Graphing and Linear Programming.

GCSE Maths - Inequalities 3 (Shading Regions & Graphing) Higher Linear June 2014 Edexcel
Section 3-4 Problem 17 Part 1 Algebra 2
This is a problem from a current assignment using the process called linear programming. First you define the variables. Next, determine the objective function. Third, write the inequalities. Fourth, graph the inequalities and determine the feasible region. Next, determine the coordinates of the vertices. Finally apply these coordinate values to the objective function and determine the minimum or maximum amount depending on what you are looking for.

Section 3-4 Problem 17 Part 2 Algebra 2
This is a problem from a current assignment using the process called linear programming. First you define the variables. Next, determine the objective function. Third, write the inequalities. Fourth, graph the inequalities and determine the feasible region. Next, determine the coordinates of the vertices. Finally apply these coordinate values to the objective function and determine the minimum or maximum amount depending on what you are looking for.
Linear Programming

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