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Plans and Worksheets for Grade 4
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Lessons for Grade 4
Common Core For Grade 4
Examples, solutions and videos to help Grade 4 students learn how to identify and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles and recognize them in various contexts and familiar figures.
Common Core Standards: 4.G.1
New York State Common Core Math Grade 4, Module 4, Lesson 1
Worksheets for Grade 4
NYS Math Grade 4, Module 4, Lesson 1
NYS Math Module 4 Grade 4 Lesson 1 Concept Development
Problem 1: Draw, identify, and label points, a line segment, and
a line.
Problem 2: Draw, identify, and label rays and angles.
Problem 3: Draw, identify, and label points, line segments, and angles in a familiar figure.
Problem 4: Analyze a familiar figure.
• A point indicates a precise location with no size, only position. Points are infinitely small.
• A line extends in both directions without an end. We show that by drawing arrows on the ends
of a line.
• A line segment has two endpoints.
• A ray has one endpoint that we think of as a starting point, and goes on forever in one direction.
• Any two rays sharing the same endpoint create an angle.
Lesson 1 Terms to learn
Angles, vertices, vertex, line, line segment, ray, straightedge.
Lesson 1 Problem Set
1. Use the following directions to draw a figure in the box
to the right.
a. Draw two points, A and B.
b. Use a straightedge to draw

c. Draw a new point that is not on

. Label it C.
d. Draw segment AC.
e. Draw a point not on AB or AC. Call it D.
f. Construct line CD.
g. Use the points you’ve already labeled to name one
Lesson 1 Problem Set
a. Observe the familiar figures below.
b. Label points on each figure and then use those points to label and name representations of each of
the following in the table below: ray, line, line segment, and angle. Extend segments to show lines
and rays.
Lesson 1 Homework
1. Use the following directions to draw a figure in the
box to the right.
a. Draw two points, W and X.
b. Use a straightedge to draw WX.
c. Draw a new point that is not on WX. Label it Y.
d. Draw segment WY.
e. Draw a point not on WX or WY. Label it Z.
f. Construct line YZ.
g. Use the points you’ve already labeled to name one
angle. _________
2. Use the following directions to draw a figure in the
box to the right.
a. Draw two points, W and X.
b. Use a straightedge to draw WX.
c. Draw a new point that is not on WX. Label it Y.
d. Draw segment WY.
e. Draw a point not on WX or WY. Label it Z.
f. Construct line WZ.
g. Identify ∠ZWX by drawing an arc to indicate the
position of the angle.
h. Identify another angle by referencing points that
you have already drawn.
3. a. Observe the familiar figures below.
b. Label points on each figure and then use those points to label and name representations of each of
the following in the table below: ray, line, line segment, and angle. Extend segments to show lines
and rays.
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