Logic Puzzles II
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A collection of logic puzzles for fun and pleasure! Tease your brain with these logic puzzles,
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Cutting The Cake
Jane and Jill were fighting over a small cake, and over which one of them should cut the cake. Their mother soon solved the problem, and made sure the pieces were even. No one could complain. What was the solution?
One of them was allowed to cut the cake in two, but the other would get first choice of the pieces.
Adventures in Liar and Truthteller Town (Part 1)
You’re so desperate to find a job, you’re even hunting in Liar and Truthteller Town. As the name implies, half the people always lie, and half the people always tell the truth, but outsiders cannot tell them apart by sight. You wait nervously in the reception room. An attractive, gossipy young lady next to you whispers she is sure that the previous applicant won’t get the job, because she heard him admit he was a Liar, and thus obviously unemployable. Then the interviewer calls you in. “I’m wearing a blue suit,” he says, and so he is, so he must be a Truthteller. “I need to test your logical reasoning skills for this position we have open. I will ask you one question, and this job depends on your answer. What can you tell me about the young lady you talked to outside?”
She was lying. A person who lies all the time cannot admit that he is a liar, because that would be telling the truth about himself. Thus, she is either a Liar or an outsider like you.
Family Time
When Jim was strolling in the park one day, he ran into his father-in-law’s only daughter’s mother-in-law. What did he call her?
Mother, Mom, or whatever he called his mother.
Class Canceled?
The logic professor had placed a notice on his class door: “Class is canceled. We will meet again at 1:00 P.M. three days after two days before the day before tomorrow.” If today is Wednesday, when is the next class?
Thursday, or tomorrow. Just because class is canceled doesn't mean it can't give you a headache.
Strange Tastes (2)
Dot likes pots and pans but not cooks. She likes straw but not hay; she likes sagas but not poems. Does she like a star or a planet?
Dot likes a star. She only likes words that spell other words backwards.
The Night Watchman
After a celebration feast in honor of his favorite football club’s victory, the night watchman went to work. In the morning, he told his boss that he dreamed someone had planted a bomb in the factory in a sabotage attempt, and he felt it was a warning. The boss had the factory inspected and they soon found the bomb hidden in the machinery. But now, instead of rewarding the night watchman, the boss fired him. Why?
If he had been dreaming during the night, he was sleeping on the job.
The Cubes
A rather eccentric businessman keeps two cubes on his desk. Every day he rearranges them so that they show the current day of the month. He even takes care to represent single digits as 07, for example, rather than 7. What numbers are on the cube faces?
One cube has 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The other cube has 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8. He uses the 6 as a 9 by turning it upside down.
Why are 1980 pennies worth more than 1979 pennies?
You get 1 more cent.
An Unusual Quiz
My quiz for this day is most unusual, as is this paragraph. What is so unusual about it? If you look hard, you should find out what it is without too much difficulty. Try hard to spot it. How long did you think about it?
There is no E in the paragraph. E is the most common letter in the English language.
Joe’s Birthday
Joe said to his friend at a New Year’s Eve party: “Yesterday I was twenty, but next year I will be twenty-two.” When is Joe’s birthday?
New Year's Eve, or December 31. On December 30 he was twenty. He turned twenty-one on December 31, and he will turn twenty-two next year on December 31.
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