Short oo And Long oo

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In these lessons, we will learn the short oo and long oo sounds.

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Learning Long and Short “oo” Words
The “oo” vowel sound can be pronounced in two distinct ways:
Long “oo” sound (like in “moon”).
Short “oo” sound (like in “book”).

  1. Long “oo” Sound (/uː/):
    The long “oo” sound is smooth and sounds like the vowel in “blue."
    Examples of Long “oo” Words: moon, food, boot, room, spoon, balloon, school, tooth

  2. The short “oo” sound is shorter and more abrupt, like the vowel in “put."
    Examples of Short “oo” Words: book, foot, cook, good, hood, wood, look

Most oo words are pronounced using the long oo sound. There are some words that pronounced with the short oo. The following are some patterns that may help you remember some of the short oo words.

The letter group ook is mostly pronounced with a short “oo” as in “put” (the only exceptions are “spook” and “snooker”, which are pronounced with a long “oo”).

The letter group ood is mostly pronounced with a short “oo”, but it can also be pronounced with a long “oo” as in “brood”, “food”, and “mood”.

The following diagram shows some examples of short oo words. Scroll down the page for more examples and songs to help you learn how to pronounce short oo and long oo words.

Short OO Words

How to pronounce Long and Short /oo/ Sounds?

OO in hoop and oo in hook
Long oo and short oo

short ‘oo’ story, Good Cook and Monkeys
short ‘oo’ phonics story, learn to read stories with words that have the short ‘oo’.

Long Sounds of ‘oo’, Short vs. Long ‘oo’ Vowel Digraphs

AR Sound Er,Ir,Ur OR Sound
Ar,Er,Ir,Or,Ur Ou, Ow Oi, Oy
OO Sound

Free Printable Worksheets for Consonant Digraphs

These worksheets focus on the consonant digraphs: ch, sh, th, qu and ng.

Printable Worksheets (Consonant Digraphs)
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Free Printable Worksheets for Digraphs

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