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Match 1 to 10

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Eureka Math/EngageNY Kindergarten, module 1, lesson 33 Common Core Worksheets

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Worksheets for Kindergarten

Worksheets, solutions, and videos to help Kindergarten students learn how to order quantities from 10 to 1 and match numerals.

Topic H: One Less Than with Numbers 0 to 10

Lesson 33 Concept Development and Problem Set

Margaret baked some biscuits for dinner. While they were cooling, her kitten jumped on the table and took one away. Draw the tray to show how many biscuits Margaret can serve for dinner. Don’t forget to cross off the one that the kitten took! Write the number.

Count the dots. Write how many in the circle. Draw the same number of dots below the circle but going up and down instead of across. The number 6 is done for you.

Count the dots. Write how many in the circle. Draw the same number of dots below the circle but going up and down instead of across. The number 4 is done for you.

Count the balloons. Cross out 1 balloon. Count and write how many balloons are left in the box.

1. How did you count the dots? Did you count the same way as your partner? Did it help to color the 5 dot groups first?
2. Did you notice a pattern as you counted? (Focus on the pattern of 1 less.)

Lesson 33 Homework

Count the basketballs. Cross out 1 basketball. Count and write how many balls are left in the box.

Learning Goal

I can match numbers to the pictures of 10 - 1.

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