Looking for some Math Trivia and Math Fun?
Whether your are looking for math fun facts or trivia to spice up your lessons
or simply to lighten up math work, here is a useful collection for you.
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Math Riddles | Math Quotes | Math Jokes |
Math Puzzles | Math Doodles | Interesting Math Questions |
Browse our extensive collection of math trivia and math fun stuff - math games, math tricks, math jokes, riddles, funny quotes, brain teasers, puzzles, mnemonics, humor and many more, to chase the math blues away!
You’ll find that mathematics need not be dry and boring. Enjoy the lighter side of math with these collections of Math Games, Math Mnemonics, Mental Math, Math Tricks, Math Riddles, Math Quotes, Math Jokes, Brain Teasers, Math Puzzles, Logic Puzzles, Math Doodles, Saying and Quotes.
Impress your friends, or spice up your math classes using these mental math and math tricks. Or simply improve your skills and confidence in handling numbers and have fun at the same time.
Math riddles like “What happens once in a minute, twice in a week, and once in a year?” and many more help you to think “out of the box”, improve your observation and deductive skills. These math riddles are arranged in the following categories because often you need to know some of the subject matter before you can appreciate the riddle.
A collection of funny math quotes and one-liners, including quips like “One person’s constant is another person’s variable,” and many more. These are indispensable for any math teacher to have handy.
These are the longer math jokes which are useful resources to liven up any math class.
Brain Teasers and Puzzles for a good, solid brain workout with fun!
Come try out these math puzzles and logic puzzles and sharpen your deductive thinking.
A Tribute to Lewis Carroll, a.k.a. the mathematician, C. L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll is the pseudonym of the English writer and mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, known especially for the children’s books “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass”).
Occasionally, the witty writer and the mathematician would be reconciled, and this part of the site is dedicated to those moments. You may peruse witty Math-related Quotations from his work, or try untangling his math puzzles here.
How about some math doodles and math music?
Funny sayings and quotes for you to ponder and enjoy.
Here some interesting math questions and their answers.
Why is negative times positive negative?
Why is negative times negative positive?
Divisibility Rule for 3, 9, 7 and 11 - Why they work?
Logarithms: Brief history and Explanation
Pascal’s Triangle and Binomial Theorem
What is a vector?
The Medians of a Triangle are Concurrent: Use Vectors to Proof
What is the number e?
The number e and Compound Interest
eix: Deriving Euler’s Formula
On Pythagoras' Theorem
Generating Pythagorean Triples
Pythagoras in 3-D: Two Ways
Multi-Choosing Puzzle
Pile Splitting Puzzle
Derangements and Hats
Dots and Dashes
Curry’s Paradox and the Notion of Area
Partitions and Fibonacci Numbers
Do you have a favorite math trivia or math fun fact to share? Share it here!
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Question: One day a cowboy came to Texas. He stayed for 4 days. He arrived on Monday and left on Friday. How is this possible?
Answer: The horse's name …
Math Palindrome
A Palindrome is a sequence of characters or numbers that read the same forward and in reverse.
Here is an interesting math palindrome:
111111111 x …
A Math Riddle Not rated yet
When can you see 2 but say 10 ?
Answer:in the clock. it's when the small arrow in the clock is pointed at 12 and the long arrow is pointed at 2 but …
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problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own
problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
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