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Plans and Worksheets for Grade 4
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Lessons for Grade 4
Common Core For Grade 4
NYS Common Core Grade 4, Module 2, Lesson 4
Worksheets for Grade 4
Examples, solutions, and videos to help Grade 4 students know and relate metric units to place value units in order to express measurements in different units.
Common Core Standards: 4.MD.1,
Lesson 4 Problem Set
1. Complete the following table.
2. Fill in the units in word form.
a. 429 is 4 hundreds 29 _________________.
b. 429 cm is 4_____________ 29 cm.
c. 2,456 is 2 ________________ 456 ones.
d. 2,456 m is 2 ____________ 456 m.
e. 13,709 is _________ thousands 709 ones.
f. 13,709 g is 13 kg 709 __________.
3. Fill in the missing number.
a. ____________ is 456 thousands 829 ones.
b. _____________mL is 456 L 829 mL.
5. Compare using >, <, or =.
a. 893,503 mL ( ) 89 L 353 mL
b. 410 km ( ) 3 m 4,103 m
c. 5,339 m ( ) 533,900 cm
6. Place the following measurements on the number line:
2 km 415 m
2,379 m
2 km 305 m
245,500 cm
7. Place the following measurements on the number line:
2 kg 900 g
3,500 g
1 kg 500 g
2,900 g
750 g
Lesson 4 Homework
1. Complete the following table.
2. Fill in the missing unit in word form.
a. 135 is 1 _________________ 35 ones.
b. 135 cm is 1 _____________ 35 cm.
c. 1,215 is 1 ______________ 215 ones.
d. 1,215 m is 1 ____________ 215 m.
e. 12,350 is ______ thousands 350 ones.
f. 12,350 g is 12 kg 350 _____________.
3. Write the missing number.
a. _________________ is 125 thousands 312 ones.
b. _______________mL is 125 L 312 mL.
4. Fill in each with >, < or =.
a. 890,353 mL ____ 89 L 353 mL
b. 2 km 13 m _____ 2,103 m
5. Brandon’s backpack weighs 3,140 grams. Brandon weighs 22 kilograms 610 grams more than his
backpack. If Brandon were to stand on a scale wearing his backpack, what would the weight read?
6. Place the following measurements on the number line:
3 km, 275 m, 3,500 m, 3 km, 5 m, 394,000 cm
7. Place the following measurements on the number line:
1 kg 379 g
3,079 g
2 kg 79 g
3,579 g
579 g
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