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Lesson 9: Modeling a Context from a Verbal Description
Opening Exercise
What does it mean to attend to precision when modeling in mathematics?
Example 1
Marymount Township secured the construction of a power plant, which opened in 1990. Once the power plant opened
in 1990, the population of Marymount increased by about 20% each year for the first ten years and then increased by
5% each year after that.
a. If the population was 150,000 people in 2010, what was the population in 2000?
b. How should you round your answer? Explain.
c. What was the population in 1990?
Example 2
If the trend continued, what would the population be in 2009?
Lesson Summary
The full modeling cycle is used to interpret the function and its graph, compute for the rate of change over an interval, and attend to precision to solve real-world problems in the context of population growth and decay and other problems in geometric sequences or forms of linear, exponential, and quadratic functions.
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