Multiply by 9 Worksheet

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Printable “Multiplication” Worksheets:
Multiply by 2, Multiply by 3
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Multiply by 9 Worksheet

Second Grade and Third Grade math worksheets to help students practice multiplying by 9.

Learning multiplication is an important skill for you as it lays the foundation for further mathematical learning and helps you develop critical problem-solving skills that are useful both in and out of the classroom.
These lessons, videos, and worksheets will help you to learn, memorize, and practice the times table for 9.

How to multiply a number by 9?

  1. Memorize the 9 Times Table. By memorizing this table, you can quickly recall the answer when you need to multiply a number by 9.
  2. Knowing that multiplication is repeated addition can help you to remember the times table. For example, if you know that 9 x 5 = 45 then 9 x 6 = 45 + 9 = 54.
  3. Practice Regularly.
    Have a look at these videos and songs to help you learn and memorize the 9 times table.

  4. Test your knowledge. Test yourself using the following worksheets and quizzes. You can either print the worksheets or practice online.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Multiply by 9 Worksheets.

Multiply by 9 Worksheet

More Multiply by 9 Worksheets

(Answers on the second page)
Multiply by 9 Worksheet Worksheet #1
Multiply by 9 Worksheet Worksheet #2

Multiply by 9 Worksheet Worksheet #1 (Online)
Multiply by 9 Worksheet Worksheet #2 (Online)

9 Times Table
Multiplication Table for 9
Multiplication Facts for 9 (Random Order)
Multiply by 9 (Sprint)

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