Multiplying Integers Worksheet

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Printable “Integer” Worksheets:
Add Integers using the Number Line
Add Integers using the Rules
Adding Integers

Subtract Integers using Addition
Subtracting Integers
Multiplying Integers
Dividing Integers
Order of Operations with Integers

Examples, solutions, videos, and worksheets to help Grade 6 students learn how to multiply integers.

How to multiply integers?

There are four sets of multiplying integers worksheets:

  • multiply two integers (practice rules)
  • multiply two integers (same sign)
  • multiply two integers (same or different signs)
  • multiply multiple integers (same or different signs)

We can use the following steps when multiplying two integers:

  1. Multiply the numbers ignoring their sign. 2: Determine the sign of the product using these rules:
    If both numbers have the same sign (positive or negative), the product is positive.
    If both numbers have different signs (one positive and one negative), the product is negative.
  2. Write the product with the correct sign.
  3. Multiplying any integer (positive or negative) with zero will get a product of zero.

Example: -3 × 4 =

  1. Ignoring the signs, we multiply 3 and 4. The result is 12.
  2. Since -3 and 4 have different signs, the product is negative.
  3. Write the product as -12.
    So, -3 × 4 = -12

Example: -5 × -6 =

  1. Ignoring the signs, we multiply 5 and 6. The result is 30.
  2. Since -5 and -6 have the same sign, the product is positive.
  3. Write the product as +30 or 30. So, -5 × -6 = 30

Have a look at this video if you need to review how to multiply integers.

When multiplying multiple integers, the product is negative if there are an odd number of negative integers otherwise the product is positive.

Have a look at this video if you need to review how to multiply multiple integers.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Multiplying Integers Worksheets.

Multiplying Integers

More Multiplying Integers Worksheets

(Answers on the second page.)
Multiply 1-digit Integers Worksheet #1a (practice rules)
Multiply 1-digit Integers Worksheet #1 (same sign)
Multiply 1-digit Integers Worksheet #2 (same or different signs)
Multiply Multiple 1-digit Integers Worksheet #3 (same or different signs)

Online or Interactive
Integers, 1 less or 1 more
Compare Integers

Add Integers, 2 operands
Add Integers, 3 or more operands

Subtract 2 Integers
Subtract 3 or more Integers

Multiply Integers
Divide Integers

Multiply Integers (1 digit)
Multiply Integers (2 digits)

Multiplying Integers Word Problems

  1. The temperature at a ski resort drops by 8 degrees Celsius each hour. If the temperature is currently 4 degrees Celsius, what will the temperature be in 6 hours?

  2. A submarine is at a depth of 200 meters below sea level. It descends another 40 meters every hour. How deep will it be after 3 hours?

Integers Rules

More Printable Worksheets

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