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Multiply by Multiples of 10

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Lesson Plans and Worksheets for Grade 3
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Common Core For Grade 3

Examples, solutions, and videos to help Grade 3 students learn how to multiply by multiples of 10 using the place value chart.

Common Core Standards: 3.OA.5, 3.OA.8, 3.OA.9, 3.NBT.3, 3.OA.1

New York State Common Core Math Grade 3, Module 3, Lesson 19

Worksheets for Grade 3

Application Problem
Mia has 152 beads. She uses some to make bracelets. Now there are 80 beads. If she uses 8 beads for each bracelet, how many bracelets does she make?
Note: This problem reviews solving two-step word problems involving more than one operation from Lesson 18.

Concept Development

Problem 1: Multiply by multiples of 10 using place value disks.

Problem 2: Multiply by multiples of 10 using a place value chart.

Lesson 19 Homework
1. Use the disks to complete true number sentences.
a. 3 ones × 3 = _______ ones
3 × 3 = _______
b. 3 tens × 3 = _______ tens
30 × 3 = _______
2. Use the chart to complete true number sentences.
a. 2 × 5 ones = _______ ones
2 × 5 = _______
b. 2 × 5 tens = _______ tens
2 × 50 = _______
c. 5 × 5 ones = _______ ones
5 × 5 = _______
d. 5 × 5 tens = _______ tens
5 × 50 = _______

3. Match.

4. Each classroom has 30 desks. Use a tape diagram to find the total number of desks in 8 classrooms.

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