Number Bonds for 8

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Eureka Math/EngageNY Kindergarten, module 4, lesson 9 Common Core Worksheets.

New York State Common Core Math Kindergarten, module 4, lesson 9
Worksheets for Kindergarten

Worksheets, solutions, and videos to help Kindergarten students learn how to model decompositions of 8 using a story situation, arrays, and number bonds.

Topic B: Decompositions of 6, 7, and 8 into Number Pairs

Learning Goal:

  • I can model decomposing 8 using a story, arrays, and number bonds.
  • I know the number bonds for 8.
Number Bond for 8 Worksheet

Number Bond for 8 Worksheet

Lesson 9 Concept Development and Problem Set

Take one of your 5-sticks. Add 1 more cube. How many cubes are in your stick now? (6.) Add 1 more cube. How many are in your stick now? (7.) Add another cube. Now how many cubes are in your stick? (8.) Take your 8-stick apart. Work with your partner to make two rows of cubes out of your stick. Make sure you have the same number of cubes in each row. How many cubes are in each row? (4.) Yes, you took your 8 and made 2 rows of 4!
Now take your cubes and make a tiny row of 2. Make another tiny row of 2 underneath. Keep going until all of your cubes are used up. How many cubes are in each row? (2) How many tiny rows do you have? (4). You made your 8 into 4 rows of 2! You made your 8 into 2 columns. Talk to your partner about the ways you made your 8 look.
Fill in the number bond to match the picture.
Draw some more dots to make 8 dots in all and finish the number bond.
Draw 8 dots, some blue the rest red. Fill in the number bond.
Draw a line to make 2 groups of dots. Fill in the number bond.

  1. What are some of the ways you found to make a 7? Let’s put them in a list!
  2. How did you find all of those different ways? How did you know that you had found a way to make 7?
  3. In the Problem Set, what does the number 5 represent? How about the number 2? And the number 7?
  4. Did the story you and your partner told match the amount you put in each circle of the number bond?
  5. Why do we have to color all the cubes in the stick in the Problem Set?

Lesson 9 Homework
Complete the number bond to match the dot picture.
Draw a line to make 2 groups of dots. Fill in the number bond.
Draw a number bond for 4. Fill in the number bond.
Draw a number bond for 5. Fill in the number bond.
Draw a number bond for 6. Fill in the number bond.
Draw a number bond for 7. Fill in the number bond.

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