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Plans and Worksheets for Kindergarten
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Lessons for Kindergarten
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Eureka Math/EngageNY Kindergarten, module 1, lesson 16 Common Core Worksheets
New York State Common Core Math Kindergarten, module 1, lesson 16
Worksheets for Kindergarten
Worksheets, solutions, and videos to help Kindergarten students learn how to write numerals 1–5 in order. Answer and make drawings of decompositions with totals of 4 and 5 without equations.
Topic D: The Concept of Zero and Working with Numbers 0 to 5
Lesson 16 Concept Development and Problem Set
Draw 4 cups and 5 straws. Write the number of each. Circle the number that is more.
Count and write how many. Circle each count of four.
How many did you color red? How many blue? Why did you choose to do it that way?
Did the way you colored it change the whole number of squares?
Did we change the whole amount when we broke our towers or our groups into smaller ones?
When we put them back together, did we change our whole amount?
In each picture, color some squares red and some blue. Do it a different
way each time.
Draw more circles to make 4.
Draw more X’s to make 5.
Lesson 16 Homework
Write the missing numbers:
1, 2, ___, 4, ___
5, ___, 3, 2, ___
___, 3, 2, 1, ___
___, 1, 2, ___, 4
Draw 3 red fish and 1 green fish.
How many fish are there in all? There are _________ fish.
3 fish and 1 fish make _____ fish. 4 is the same as ____ and ____.
Make 2 happy faces and 3 sad faces.
How many faces are there in all? There are _______ faces.
2 faces and 3 faces make _____ faces.
5 is the same as _______ and _______.
Learning Goal
I can write 1 - 5 and show different parts.
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