Videos and songs to help First Grade kids learn how to pronounce the OR digraph sound. Learn words that have the OR sound.
Learn the OR sound
The “ar” sound in English is a single sound, even though it’s spelled with two letters. It’s called an “r-controlled vowel” because the “r” changes the way the vowel “o” is pronounced.
Examples and Practice:
Here are some words to practice the “or” sound:
Examples: or, for, more, born, corn, form, north, short, sport
Other Spellings that Can Sound Like “or”
Sometimes other spellings can produce a similar sound to “or”:
aw: law, saw, draw
au: August, author, cause
oar: board, roar, soar
Try saying these words slowly, paying attention to the rounding of your lips and the position of your tongue.
The following diagram shows some words with the OR sound and some words with the OR sound. Practice saying these words. Scroll down the page for more examples.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
Bossy R | OR Words
Phonics - Or sound
or sound song
Chant and blend words with the OR sound.
R-Controlled Vowels & Digraphs | ||
AR Sound | Er,Ir,Ur | OR Sound |
Ar,Er,Ir,Or,Ur | Ou, Ow | Oi, Oy |
OO Sound |
Learn the sound of the letters
Learning Short Vowels
Short Vowels | ||
Short A | Short E | Short I |
Short O | Short U | Short Vowels |
Learning Long Vowels
Long Vowels | ||
Long A | Long E | Long I |
Long O | Long U | Y (vowel) |
Long Vowels | Short & Long Vowels |
Compare Short & Long Vowels
Short & Long Vowels | ||
Short & Long A | Short & Long E | Short & Long I |
Short & Long O | Short & Long U |
Learning Consonants
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