Partition a Whole into Equal Parts

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Videos, examples, solutions, and lessons to help Grade 3 students learn how to specify and partition a whole into equal parts, identify and count unit fractions using concrete models.

Common Core Standards: 3.G.2, 3.NF.1
NY Common Core Math Grade 3, Module 5, Lesson 1

Grade 3, Module 5, Lesson 1 Worksheets

Application Problem

Measure the length of your paper or math textbook using a ruler. You will either measure in inches or centimeters. Complete the measurement on your own and compare your answer to your partner’s, and then consider the following questions.

  1. Which is a larger unit, an inch or a centimeter?
  2. Therefore, which would yield a greater number when measuring the book, inches or centimeters?
  3. Measure at least 2 different items with your partner, again using different units. What do you notice?
  4. Change units with your partner. Measure different items again.

Concept Development

  1. Measure your yellow strip of paper using inches.
    How long is it? 12 inches.
  2. Make a small mark at 6 inches at both the top and bottom of the strip. Connect the two points with a straight line.
    How many equal parts or units have I split the paper into now?  Two.
    What fraction of the whole strip is one of the parts?  1 half.
  3.  Discuss with your partner how we know these parts are equal.
    Continue with fourths on the same strip followed by thirds and sixths on the second strip.

Identifying unit fractions

Lesson 1 Problem Set Sample Solutions

  1. A beaker is considered full when the liquid reaches the fill line shown near the top. Estimate the amount of water in the beaker by shading the drawing as indicated. The first one is done for you.
  2. Juanita cut her string cheese into equal pieces as shown in the rectangles below. In the blanks below, name the fraction of the string cheese represented by the shaded part.
  3. In the space below, draw a small rectangle. Estimate to split it into 2 equal parts. How many lines did you draw to make 2 equal parts? What is the name of each fractional unit?
    Draw another small rectangle. Estimate to split it into 3 equal parts. How many lines did you draw to make 3 equal parts? What is the name of each fractional unit?

    Draw another small rectangle. Estimate to split it into 4 equal parts. How many lines did you draw to make 4 equal parts? What is the name of each fractional unit?

Lesson 1 Homework

  1. A beaker is considered full, when the liquid reaches the fill line shown near the top. Estimate the amount of water in the beaker by shading the drawing as indicated.
  2. Danielle cut her candy bar into equal pieces as shown in the rectangles below. In the blanks below, name the fraction of candy bar represented by the shaded part.
  3. Each circle represents 1 whole pie. Estimate to show how you would cut the pie into fractional units as indicated below.
  4. Each rectangle represents 1 sheet of paper. Estimate to draw lines to show how you would cut the paper into fractional units as indicated below.
  5. Each rectangle represents 1 sheet of paper. Estimate to draw lines to show how you would cut the paper into fractional units as indicated below.
  6. Yuri has a rope 12m long. He cuts it into pieces that are each 2m long. What fraction of the rope is one piece? (Use your yellow strip from the lesson to help you.) Draw a picture.
  7. Dawn bought 12 grams of chocolate. She ate half of the chocolate. How many grams of chocolate did she eat?

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