Step 1: Calculate the change in value
Step 2: Divide by the original value (i.e. the value before increase or decrease)
Step 3: Multiply by 100%
Percentage increase =
What is the percentage increase from 25 to 29.5?
Increase = 29.5 – 25 = 4.5
Percentage increase =
Last month, Zack earned $500. This month he earned $520. Calculate the percentage increase in his earnings.
Solution :
Increase = $520 – $500 = RM20
Percentage increase =
The percentage increase in his earnings is 4%.
What is the percentage decrease from 20 to 15 ?
Decrease = 20 – 15 = 4
Percentage decrease = = 24%
Last month, Paul earned $500. This month he earned $450. Calculate the percentage decrease in his earnings.
Solution :
Decrease = RM500 – RM450 = RM50
Percentage decrease =
The percentage decrease in his earnings is 10%.
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