Permutations Involving Repeated Symbols
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Videos, worksheets, games and activities to help Grade 11 and 12 students learn about permutations.
How to calculate permutations with repeated items?
The number of different permutations of n objects with n
1 identical items, n
2 identical items, .. n
k identical items, is
Determine the Number of Permutations With Repeated Items
This video explains how to determine the number of permutations when there are indistinguishable or repeated items.
Permutations Involving Repeated Symbols - Example 1
This video shows how to calculate the number of linear arrangements of the word MISSISSIPPI (letters of the same type are indistinguishable). It gives the general formula and then grind out the exact answer for this problem.
Permutations Involving Repeated Symbols - Example 2
In this example, we count how many 'stair case' paths there are from the origin to the point (5,3).
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