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Pollekes Blue Room Escape
Search the blue room, find items and hints and use them to get out of the room.
Walkthrough for Polleke's Blue Room Escape Game
Click on answer to see the hints.
1. Click on the left side of the couch to take a closer look, youll see something lying there, take it.
2. Put the thing you just got on the water tap, youll now be able to turn it.
3. Turn to the right, take the glass and click above the closet to take a look there. Collect the puzzle piece and notice the colored number.
4. Go to the screen to the right (screen with the pc). Turn on the pc by clicking on the power button.
5. You can move the chair and the mouse around. When you move the chair youll see something near the ground. Click on it to take a closer look.
6. Notice the colored number and take the puzzle piece.
7. Go back to the screen with the pc and click on the power cable of the lamp to take it. Drag this on the radio to power the radio.
8. Click on the piece of paper on the board to zoom in. notice the differences and the colored 2 bottom left and take a thumbtack.
9. Turn right to get in the screen with the aquarium. Take the net from the wall.
10. Use the thumbtack to pop the balloon and get the puzzle piece from it.
11. Youll have to get rid of the piranhas to be able to get the key. Fill the glass with water at the sink and then use the net to fish out the piranhas.
12. When they are all out of the aquarium, youll be able to get the key.
13. Use the key to unlock the closet. Open it and open the Toolbox, youll collect a hammer and some tongs from it.
14. Take the jewel case out of the closet. Click on the crack to take a closer look. USe the hammer on the crack to burst it open. Collect the Piece of puzzle.
15. Click on the jewel case to look at it. Click on close-up to open the case and click on the cd to take it. Notice the little crack in the case, drag the tongs onto that crack. Collect the piece of puzzle. Close the close-up.
16. Insert the cd into the radio cd player. Click on the display to zoom in. Youll see a code ( 001049 ). Use this to log into the pc.
17. Solve the puzzle and use the hammer on the place the puzzle hints to. Collect the piece of puzzle.
18. You now collected 6 puzzle pieces. Got to the device near the door and place them on the correct places.
19. You will now have to enter the code ( 5862 ) . That code can be found using the colored numbers 1 through 4 which are hidden in the room. (That is the order). The numbers are the numbers found on the differences paper.
The above walkthrough information was obtained from the FreeGamesNews Forum.
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