Possessive Nouns

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In these lessons, we will learn

  • how to use possessive nouns
  • the rules for forming possessive nouns
  • possessive singular nouns and possessive plural nouns

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The following diagram gives some general rules for possessive nouns: singular nouns, plural nouns ending in “s”, plural nouns not ending in “s”, compound nouns, joint ownership and separate ownership. Scroll down the page for more examples and rules.

Possessive Nouns & Examples

What are Possessive Nouns?

Possessive nouns are nouns that show “relationships”

  1. Possessive nouns can be used to show ‘belonging to’ or ‘ownership’.

This is Jill’s house. (Jill owns the house)
They were not able to find Paul’s shoes. (The shoes belong to Paul)
The cat’s dish is empty.
The lamp’s base is broken.

  1. Possessive nouns can show where someone works or studies or spends time.

I went to Jack’s school.
Put this box in Colin’s office.

  1. Possessive nouns can indicate family relationships.

Gordon’s mother is a dentist.
He went with Brian’s brother.

General Rules for Forming Possessive Nouns

Rule 1:
Add an apostrophe s (‘s) to form the possessive of singular nouns. This rule also applies to singular nouns ending in s.


Singular Nouns Possessive Nouns
lamp lamp’s
egg egg’s
branch branch’s
mango mango’s
Paul Paul’s
Simon Simon’s
goose goose’s
woman woman’s
leaf leaf’s
lady lady’s
bus bus’s
class class’s

Rule 2:
Add an apostrophe s (‘s) to form the possessive of plural nouns that do not end with s.


Plural Nouns Possessive Nouns
geese geese’s
oxen oxen’s
women women’s
children children’s

Rule 3:
Add an apostrophe () to form the possessive of plural nouns that end with s.


Plural Nouns Possessive Nouns
lamps lamps’
eggs eggs’
branches branches’
mangoes mangoes’
leaves leaves’
ladies ladies’
buses buses’
classes classes’

Rule 4:
For the names of people that end with s, add an apostrophe s (‘s) or apostrophe (). (Both methods are acceptable.)


Names of People that ends with s Possessive Nouns
Phyllis Phyllis’s or Phyllis’
Thomas Thomas’s or Thomas’
Jones Jones’s or Jones’

Rule 5:
Add an apostrophe s (‘s) or apostrophe (‘) to the end of a compound noun.


Compound Noun Possessive Noun
classroom classroom’s
classrooms classrooms’
fire engine fire engine’s
fire engines fire engines’
son-in-law son-in-law’s
son-in-laws son-in-laws’

Apostrophe Rules
Showing Possession
Learn with examples

Apostrophe S - Possessive Nouns in English
When to use an apostrophe in English

Possessive Nouns.

Learning Phonics

Short Vowels
Short A Short E Short I
Short O Short U Short Vowels

Long Vowels
Long A Long E Long I
Long O Long U Y (vowel)
Long Vowels Short, Long Vowels Rhyming Words

Short & Long Vowels
Short & Long A Short & Long E Short & Long I
Short & Long O Short & Long U Short I & Long E

Consonant Sounds
B Sound Hard C Soft C
D Sound F Sound Hard G
Soft G H Sound J Sound
K Sound L Sound M Sound
N Sound P Sound Q Sound
P Sound S Sound T Sound
V Sound W Sound X Sound
Y Sound Z Sound S & Z Sounds

The following printable worksheets can be used to practice writing CVC words while reinforcing reading.

Free Printable Worksheets (CVC Words)
Set 1
Match CVC Words
Write CVC Words
Match & Write
Spell CVC Words
Sort CVC Words
Set 2
Match CVC Words
Write CVC Words
Spell CVC Words
Sort CVC Words
Match Phrases
Set 3
Match CVC Words
Write CVC Words
Spell CVC Words
Sort CVC Words
Match Phrases
Match Words
Write Words

Consonant Digraphs
CH Sound SH Sound Soft TH
Hard TH WH Sound PH Sound
GH Sound NG Sound Consonant Digraphs

Free Printable Worksheets for Consonant Digraphs

These worksheets focus on the consonant digraphs: ch, sh, th, qu and ng.

Printable Worksheets (Consonant Digraphs)
Learning "ch"
Learning "sh"
Learning "th"
Learning "qu"
Learning "ng"

Free Printable Worksheets for Digraphs

Printable Worksheets (EE, OO, OU, OI, AW)
EE Words
OO Words
OI Words
AW Words

Consonant Blends
BL Sound CL Sound FL Sound
GL Sound PL Sound SL Sound
BR Sound CR Sound DR Sound
FR Sound GR Sound PR Sound
TR Sound SK Sound SN Sound
SP Sound ST Sound
3-letter Blends
Str, Spr, Scr, Str, Shr, Spl, Thr
Ending Blends
Nd, Nt, Nk, St, Ft, Lp, Ld, Lt, Mp, Sk

Types of Verbs
Action Verbs
Is, Am, Are
Has, Have

Spelling Rules for Verbs
Adding -ed
Irregular Verbs
Adding -ing

Rhyming Words
Sentence Types
Possessive Nouns

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