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Types of Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
Subject Pronouns, Object Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns
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In these lessons, we will learn
A possessive pronoun replaces a noun that has already been mentioned and shows ownership. It stands alone and does not need a noun to follow it. Example: This book is mine.
A possessive adjective modifies a noun and shows ownership. It always comes before a noun. Example: This is my book.
The following table gives some examples of Possessive Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives. Scroll down the page for more examples and explanations.
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a common noun or a proper noun.
The words mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours and theirs are called possessive pronouns. They are used to substitute nouns to show possession or ownership.
His boat is faster than mine.
(mine substitutes that word
boat and shows that it belongs to me)
This is my car and that is yours. (yours substitutes the word car and shows that it belongs to you)
A possessive pronoun can act as a subject of a sentence.
His will only arrive tomorrow.
Ours is the yellow one in the room.
A possessive pronoun can act as a subject complement.
This house is hers.
Is this kitten ours?
Subject | Possessive Pronouns | |
Singular | I | Mine |
You | Yours | |
He | His | |
She | Hers | |
It | Its | |
Plural | We | Ours |
You | Yours | |
They | Theirs |
The words my, yours, his, her, its, our and their are possessive adjectives. Do not confuse possessive pronouns with possessive adjectives. A possessive adjective is usually used to describe a noun and it comes before a noun. Possessive adjectives are also called possessive determiners.
This bag is mine.
(mine is a possessive pronoun).
This is my bag. (my is a possessive adjective, it comes before the noun bag)
Singular | Plural | |||
Possessive Pronouns |
Possessive Adjectives |
Possessive Pronouns |
Possessive Adjectives |
First Person | mine | my | ours | our |
Second Person | yours | your | yours | your |
Third Person | his | his | theirs | their |
hers | her | |||
its | its |
Possessive Pronouns
This video shows how to use possessive pronouns like mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs.
Possessive Pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)
Possessive Adjectives And Possessive Pronouns
The difference between possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.
Possessive pronouns and determiners: my, mine, your, yours, his, his, her, hers, its, our,
ours, their and theirs.
Possessive Adjectives
How to use possessive adjectives before a noun?
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