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Software Programming

Looking for software programming help?
We have free video lessons on software programming languages. The programming languages available are Java and Python.

Python Programming Language

A series of video lessons on the Python Programming Language given by Khan Academy.

Introduction to Programs Data Types and Variables Writing a basic program. Basics of data types, variables and conditional statements Python Lists Understanding the basics of lists in Python
For Loops in Python Basics of for loops in Python While Loops in Python Seeing that a while loop can do the same thing as a for loop
Fun with Strings Experimenting and seeing what we can do with strings Writing a Simple Factorial Program(Python 2) Writing a simple factorial program with a "for" loop
Stepping Through the Factorial Program Stepping through what happens when a user inputs a particular value into our factorial program Flowchart for the Factorial Program
Python 3 Not Backwards Compatible with Python 2 Understanding why the example program would not run in Python 3 and how to fix it.  

Defining a Factorial Function Diagramming What Happens with a Function Call Variable scope and function calls
Recursive Factorial Function Introduction to recursion. Comparing Iterative and Recursive Factorial Functions
Exercise - Write a Fibonacci Function Introduction to the Fibonacci Sequence and a programming challenge
Iterative Fibonacci Function Example One way to write a Fibonacci function iteratively Stepping Through Iterative Fibonacci Function Understanding how the iterative Fibonacci function works for a particular example
Recursive Fibonacci Example Using recursion to write a fibonacci function Stepping Through Recursive Fibonacci Function Understanding why and how the recursive Fibonacci function works
Exercise - Write a Sorting Function Challenge to write a Python function that can sort a list in-place Insertion Sort Algorithm Visual description of the insertion sort algorithm
Insertion Sort in Python Basic implementation of insertion sort algorithm Stepping Through Insertion Sort Function Clarifying what "break" does and stepping through the insertion sort implementation

MIT 6.00 Intro to Computer Science & Programming

This subject is aimed at students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems. It also aims to help students, regardless of their major, to feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. The class will use the Python programming language.

Computer Programming Methodology (Java)

A Free Java Programming Course from Stanford.

Programming Methodology (CS106A) is an Introduction to the engineering of computer applications emphasizing modern software engineering principles: object-oriented design, decomposition, encapsulation, abstraction, and testing. Uses the Java programming language. Emphasis is on good programming style and the built-in facilities of the Java language.

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