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Plans and Worksheets for Grade 1
Plans and Worksheets for all Grades
Lessons for Grade 1
Common Core For Grade 1
Worksheets and videos to help Grade 1 students learn how to represent put together situations with number bonds. Count on from one embedded number or part to totals of 6 and 7 and generate all addition expressions for each total.
Eureka Math/EngageNY grade 1 module 1 lesson 6, lesson 7
Common Core Standards: 1.OA.6
Worksheets for First Grade
New York State Common Core Math Module 1, Grade 1, Lesson 6, Lesson 7
Module 1 Topic B: Counting On from Embedded Numbers
Lesson 6 Concept Development
Different parts in groups of 8.
Lesson 6 Homework
1. Match the dots to show different ways to make 8. Then draw a number bond for
each pair.
2. Show 2 ways to make 8. Use the number bonds above for help.
3. Fill in the missing number of the number bond. Write 2 addition sentences for the
number bond you made. Notice where the equal sign is to make your sentence true.
4. These number bonds are in an order starting with the smallest part first. Write to show which number bonds are missing.
Lesson 7 Concept Development
Lesson 7 Homework
Ways to Make 9!
Use the bookshelf picture to help you write the expressions and number bonds to show all of the different ways to make 9.
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problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own
problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
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