These lessons, help students to learn and revise the conversion of recurring decimals to fractions.
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The following diagram shows how to convert a recurring decimal to a fraction. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions of how to convert a recurring decimal to a fraction.
How to convert recurring decimals to fractions?
Step 1: Let x = recurring decimal in expanded form.
Step 2: Let the number of recurring digits = n.
Step 3: Multiply recurring decimal by 10n.
Step 4: Subtract (1) from (3) to eliminate the recurring part.
Step 5: Solve for x, expressing your answer as a fraction in its simplest form.
Change the following recurring decimals into fractions
(i) 0.4
(ii) 0.275
(iii) 3.112
Recurring decimals to fractions part 1 of 2
Changing recurring decimals to fractions.
Prove that 0.0x = x/99
Recurring decimals to fractions part 2 of 2
Changing recurring decimals to fractions
How to convert recurring decimals to fractions?
Convert the recurring decimal to fractions.
(i) 0.444444444444
(ii) 0.7777777777
(iii) 0.111111111
Convert the recurring decimal to fractions.
(i) 0.333333333
(ii) 0.6666666666
Convert the recurring decimal to fractions.
(i) 0.232323232323
(ii) 0.151515151515
Convert recurring decimals to fractions
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