New York State Common Core Math Grade 6, Module 4, Lesson 1
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Common Core For Grade 6
Opening Exercises
a. Draw a tape diagram to represent the following expression: 5 + 4.
b. Write an expression for each tape diagram.Exercises
1. Predict what will happen when a tape diagram has a large number of squares, some squares are removed, but then the same amount of squares are added back on.
2. Build a tape diagram with 10 squares.In every problem we did today, why did the final value of the expression equal the initial expression?
Initially, we added an amount and then subtracted the same amount. Later in the lesson, we subtracted an amount and then added the same amount. Did this alter the outcome?
Why were we able to evaluate the final expression even when we did not know the amount we were adding and subtracting? A review of the relationship between addition and subtraction and the relationship between multiplication and division.Try the free Mathway calculator and
problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own
problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
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