Rounding & Estimation Word Problems

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Rounding Word Problems

Rounding Word Problems Worksheets

In these free math worksheets, students practice how to use rounding to estimate and check the answers to word problems.

How to use estimation or rounding?
Estimation or rounding is a useful tool for checking answers because it allows you to quickly determine if an answer is reasonable or not.

Here are some steps you can follow to use estimation to check an answer:
Step 1: Make sure you understand what you are being asked to find and what information you have been given.
Step 2: Round any numbers given in the problem to the nearest whole number, or to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand, depending on the level of accuracy needed.
Step 3: Use mental math to perform calculations quickly. For example, if you need to add 23 and 45, round them both to 20 and 50 and add those instead. This will give you an estimate that is close to the actual answer.
Step 4: Once you have an estimate, compare it to the actual answer you calculated. If the estimate is close to the actual answer, you can be confident that your calculation is correct. If the estimate is significantly different from the actual answer, you may need to review your work and make corrections.

By using estimation to check your answers, you can catch errors early and avoid making mistakes that could lead to incorrect results.

Have a look at this video if you need to review how to round a multi-digit number to any place value.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Rounding Word Problems Worksheets.

Rounding Word Problems Worksheet

More Rounding Word Problems Worksheets

(Answers on the second page.)
Rounding Worksheet #1
Rounding Worksheet #2
Rounding Worksheet #3
Rounding Worksheet #4
Rounding Worksheet #5

Round multi-digit number Worksheet #1

Rounding Multi-digit Numbers to any place value

Rounding Word Problems
Use your estimated answer for part a) to check your answer for part b).

  1. For the bake sale, Connie baked 144 cookies. Esther baked 49 more cookies than Connie.
    a. About how many cookies did Connie and Esther bake? Estimate by rounding each number to the nearest ten before adding.
    b. Exactly how many cookies did Connie and Esther bake?
  2. Raffle tickets were sold for a school fundraiser to parents, teachers, and students. 563 tickets were sold to teachers. 888 more tickets were sold to students than to teachers. 904 tickets were sold to parents. How many tickets were sold to parents, teachers, and students?
    a. About how many tickets were sold to parents, teachers, and students? Round each number to the nearest hundred to find your estimate.
    b. Exactly how many tickets were sold to parents, teachers, and students?
  3. From 2010 to 2011, the population of Queens increased by 16,075. Brooklyn’s population increased by 11,870 more than the population increase of Queens.
    a. Estimate the total combined population increase of Queens and Brooklyn from 2010 to 2011. (Round the addends to the nearest thousand to estimate.)
    b. Find the actual total combined population increase of Queens and Brooklyn from 2010 to 2011.
  4. There were 3,905 more hits on the school’s website in January than February. February had 9,854 hits. How many hits did the school’s website have during both months?
    a. About how many hits (roud ro the nearest thousand) did the website have during January and February?
    b. Exactly how many hits did the website have during January and February?
  5. On Sunday, 77,098 fans attended a New York Jets football game. The same day 3,397 more fans attended a New York Giants game than the Jets game. How many football fans watched the Jets and Giants play on Sunday?
    a. Round each number to the nearest thousand to find an estimate of how many fans there are.
    b. What was the actual number of fans who watched the games?

Round to nearest 10 (2-digit) (eg. 45 -> 50)
Round to nearest 10 (3-digit) (eg. 725 -> 730)
Round to nearest 100 (3-digit) (eg. 651 -> 700)
Round to nearest 10 or 100 (3-digit)

Round to nearest 100 (4-digit) (eg. 2,754 -> 2,800)
Round to nearest 1000 (eg. 3,542 -> 4,000)
Round to nearest 10, 100, 1000

Round the nearest thousands

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