S Sound & Z Sound

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Videos and songs to help Kindergarten kids learn how the different sounds of s.

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The letter “s” can represent several different sounds in English depending on its position in a word, the surrounding letters, and the word’s origin.

  1. Voiceless /s/
    This is the most common sound for “s”, similar to a hissing snake. It is voiceless, meaning the vocal cords do not vibrate when producing this sound.
    Examples of /s/:
    At the beginning: sun, sing, sock, sit
    In the middle: sister, basic, fasten
    At the end: cats, lips, maps
  2. Voiced /z/
    The “s” can also make a /z/ sound, which is voiced (vocal cords vibrate). This occurs more often in the middle or end of words.
    Examples of /z/:
    At the beginning: (rare) - zero, zebra (from foreign origins)
    In the middle: music, easy, present
    At the end: dogs, cars, trees
  3. /ʃ/ (as in “sh”)
    In some words, especially those borrowed from French, “s” or “ss” can make the /ʃ/ (sh) sound.
    Examples of /ʃ/: sugar, sure, tissue, pressure
  4. /ʒ/ (as in “zh”)
    Less commonly, “s” can make the /ʒ/ sound, usually in words borrowed from French.
    Examples of /ʒ/: measure, pleasure, treasure, vision
  5. Silent “S”
    In some cases, the “s” is silent and not pronounced at all.
    Examples of silent “s”: island, aisle, debris

The following diagram shows some examples of words that have the s sound and the z sound. Scroll down the page for more examples and songs to help you learn how to pronounce words with s sound and with the z sound.
s sound z sound words

Free worksheets to help students practice sorting words with the /s/ sound and with the /z/ sound.
S Sound & Z Sound Worksheet #1 (with answers)
S Sound & Z Sound Worksheet #2 (with answers)

Voiced s / When ’s’ sounds like ‘z’

S and Z: 35 Common Words Where S Needs to Sound Like Z<br?

General Rule for “S” Pronounced as /z/

  1. Between Two Vowels:
    Example: rose, nose, music, present
  2. When Following a Voiced Consonant or Vowel in Plural/Verb Forms:
    Example: loves, dogs, goes, plays
  3. Some Fixed Words with Voiced “S” Sounds:
    Example: his, was, these, those
Learning the Alphabet Worksheets
A/a B/b C/c D/d
E/e F/f G/g H/h
I/i J/j K/k L/l
M/m N/n O/o P/p
Q/q R/r S/s T/t
U/u V/v W/w X/x
Y/y Z/z a-z A-Z

Learn the sound of the letters

Learning Short Vowels

Short Vowels
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Long O Long U Y (vowel)
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Compare Short & Long Vowels

Short & Long Vowels
Short & Long A Short & Long E Short & Long I
Short & Long O Short & Long U Short I & Long E

Learning the Sound of Consonants

Consonant Sounds
B Sound Hard C Soft C
D Sound F Sound Hard G
Soft G H Sound J Sound
K Sound L Sound M Sound
N Sound P Sound Q Sound
P Sound S Sound T Sound
V Sound W Sound X Sound
Y Sound Z Sound S & Z Sounds

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