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Eureka Math/EngageNY Kindergarten, module 3, lesson 14 Common Core Worksheets
New York State Common Core Math Kindergarten, module 3, lesson 14
Worksheets for Kindergarten
Worksheets, solutions, and videos to help Kindergarten students learn how to explore conservation of volume by pouring.
Topic D: Comparison of Volume
Lesson 14 Concept Development and Problem Set
With your clay, make a bowl big enough to hold a yummy
strawberry. Now make a little vase just the right size for a tiny
flower. Which one do you think would have more capacity?
Compare your containers to that of your friend. Do they look
alike? Do you think hers would have more capacity?
1. Look at your Recording Sheet. In which container did it look like you had the most rice?
2. In which container did it look like you had the least rice?
3. Did the amount of the rice ever change?
4. Were the shapes of the containers the same? Describe them to your partner.
5. Does the shape of the container make the amount of the rice seem different? Why?
6. What new (or significant) math vocabulary did we use today to communicate precisely?
Lesson 14 Homework
Within each rectangle, make one set of 6 objects. The first one is done
for you.
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