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Worksheets for Kindergarten
Worksheets, solutions, and videos to help Kindergarten students learn how to observe conservation of weight on the balance scale.
Topic C: Comparison of Weight
Lesson 11 Concept Development and Problem Set
Use your blocks to make the heaviest building that you can. How many pennies are
as heavy as your building? Turn to your friend. Talk about your different buildings
and how much they weigh.
Draw a line from the balance to the linking cubes that weigh the same.
1. What happened when you took the clay ball apart and made it into two balls and weighed them
together on the balance?
2. What do you think would happen if you took that same clay ball apart and made it into 10 little balls
and put them all on the balance? A million?
3. Can one thing have the same weight as 10 things? (If you have materials to demonstrate this, all the
better. One option are base ten Dienes blocks. In a high quality set, the thousand cube has the
same weight as ten of the hundred flats.)
Lesson 11 Homework
Draw linking cubes so each side weighs the same.
Learning Goal
I can move objects around on a scale and know that it equals the same amount.
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