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SAT Questions: Coordinate Geometry

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Examples, solutions, videos, games, activities and worksheets to help SAT students review questions that involve coordinate geometry.

Some Coordinate Geometry formulas that you will need to know are:
Distance Formula
Distance = (x1x2)+(y1y2)

Midpoint Formula
Midpoint = (x1+x22,y1+y22)

Slope Formula
Slope = y1y2x1x2

Slope Intercept Equation
y = mx + c, where m is the slope and c is the y-intercept

SAT Prep Math Review - Coordinate Geometry, Graphs & the Cartesian Plane Tutorial This SAT math prep tutorial & review covers some concepts from coordinate geometry (the Cartesian plane, distance formula, midpoint formula, slope formula & the slope intercept equation).
SAT Prep Math Questions Review - Coordinate Geometry, Graphs & the Cartesian Plane Practice Problems
Review the SAT math practice problems & questions from the end of the last episode on coordinate geometry

Area and Coordinate Geometry, SAT Math Level 2
Given the coordinates of the vertices of a triangle, find its area?
SAT Math: Coordinate Geometry
Figures in the coordinate plane

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