The following are worked solutions for the questions in the math sections of the SAT Practice Tests found in the The Official SAT Study Guide Second Edition.
It would be best that you go through the SAT practice test questions in the Study Guide first and then look at the worked solutions for the questions that you might need assistance in. Due to copyright issues, we are not able to reproduce the questions, but we hope that the worked solutions will be helpful.
16. Correct answer: 5
The figure
To find:
Area of shaded square
Topic(s): Complementary angles, ASA rule
x and y are complementary angles.
We can deduce that the unshaded triangles are congruent because of the ASA rule. This means the length of AB = CD = 2
Using Pythagoras theorem, we can calculate AC
Area of the shaded square =
Answer: 5
17. Correct answer: 11
To find:
The value of k
Topic(s): Symbol problems
Answer: 11
18. Correct answer: 3/8, .375
Average test scores of a class of p students = 70
Average test scores of a class of n students = 92
When scores of both classes are combined, the average score = 86
To find:
The value of
Topic(s): Statistics
Let s be the sum of the scores of the first class
t be the sum of the scores of the second class
SumOfTerms = Average × NumberOfTerms
s = 70n
t = 92p
Combined average score
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