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SAT Questions - Permutations & Combinations, Probability

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Examples, solutions, videos, games, activities, and worksheets to help SAT students review questions that involve probability.

What are factorials?
Factorials are represented by a!
For example, 4! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24

What is the difference between Permutations and Combinations?
In Permutations order matters whereas in Combinations order does not matter.
For example, there are six permutations for the digits 123 i.e. 123, 132, 231, 213, 321, 312.
However, there is only one combination for the digits 123.

What is the formula for Permutation?
The formula for Permutation is

where n is the total possible number of things there are to choose from and r is the number of things you are choosing.

What is the formula for Combination?
The formula for Combination is

where n is the total possible number of things there are to choose from and r is the number of things you are choosing.

SAT & ACT Math: Permutations And Combinations
Learn how to differentiate between permutations and combinations. Scenarios to help distinguish permutation type problems vs. combination type problems.

SAT Prep Math Review - Permutations, Combinations & Probability Tutorial
Probability, SAT Math Bootcamp

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