How to get ready for the NEW SAT?
Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Last Minute Preparation Before the Big Test
Tip #1: Get to know the Test
Tip #2: Take a Practice Test
Tip #3: Check your answers
Tip #4: Program your calculator
Tip #5: Pack Supplies
Tip #6: Have lots of food
Tip #7: Get a full night's rest
Take Realistic Practice Tests
One effective way to improve your SAT score would be to practice as many SAT type questions as possible. As the exam approaches try to take at least a few mock SAT exams, and to try to simulate the actual testing environment as closely as possible (meaning no breaks, snacks, music, phone calls, etc.).
You should secure a copy of the Official SAT Study Guide
, as it contains actual test questions from previous exams. The practice material and tests will most closely simulate the types of questions you will see when you sit for the exam.
Tips: Before The Test
* Learn the types of questions and the test directions for all the question types ahead of time.
The test directions for the types of questions are always the same. Know them ahead of time
and you will not need to spend time reading them during the test. You can use the time you save answering
the questions.
* Take
as many practice tests as possible either from the Official SAT Study Guide
or from one of the other SAT study guides.
* Become familiar
with the answer sheet and how to enter the information required.
* Make sure you know how to get to the test center and any special instructions for finding the entrance on Saturday or Sunday.
* Leave extra time in case of delays while you are traveling to the test center.
* Make sure you have everything you need for the test ready the night before. Use the following checklist.
- Your Admission ticket
- Appropriate Photo ID
- Several #2 pencils and erasers
- Approved calculator with fresh batteries
- A watch
* Get a good night's sleep before the test.
Tips: During The Test
* Mark only one answer to each question.
* Take care when filling in the answer grid for the student-produced response
questions (grid-ins).
* Avoid stray marks on the answer sheet. A machine scores your test and can't
distinguish between a correct answer and a careless doodle.
* Don't change an answer unless you are certain you've made an error.
* Answer easy questions first. (Within each set, easy questions usually precede
hard ones.) Mark skipped questions in your exam book so you can quickly return
to them later.
* Make educated guesses if you can. Try to rule out as many choices as you can so that
you have a better chance of guessing the right answer.
* You can write in the test book - cross out wrong answers; do the scratch
work there, but never on your answer sheet.
* Check that you are marking your answer in the correct section and number
on the answer sheet.
* SAT consists of a series of separately timed tests. Keep track of the time you're allotted for each section and how much time remains.
* Don't spend too much time on any one question. You should spend only
seconds on the easiest questions, and should not take more than 1-2 minutes
on even the hardest ones.
* Read the words in the question carefully. Be sure to answer the question
asked and not the question you recall from a practice test.
* There are some rules about how you can and can't allocate your test time:
- You are not allowed to jump back and forth between sections.
- You are not allowed to return to earlier sections to change answers.
- You are not allowed to spend more than the allotted time on any section.
- You can move around within a section.
- You can flip through your section at the beginning to see what type of questions you have.
How to self-study for the new SAT Test?
Take a Practice Test
Analyze your results
Target your weaknesses
How to get a Perfect Score on the SAT?
1. Practice as much as possible
2. Learn from your mistakes
3. Learn a ton of words
4. Perfect your grammar
5. Join the Math team
6. Learn to read complex materials
7. Give yourself time
8. Build safety nets
9. Learn to pace yourself
10. Don't Guess
Specific Tips on Math
Specific Tips for Writing
Specific Tips for Critical Reading.
Try the free Mathway calculator and
problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own
problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
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