Sides, Corners of Shapes Worksheets

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Printable Shape Worksheets:
Recognizing 2D Shapes (Kindergarten)
Recognizing 3D Shapes (Kindergarten)

Sides & Corners (First Grade)
2D Shapes (First Grade)
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Sides & Corners of Shapes Worksheets

In grade 1, students are introduced to the basic concepts of shapes, including understanding sides and corners (vertices).

  1. Sides:
    Definition: Sides are the straight lines that make up the boundary of a shape.
    Explanation: Imagine walking along the edge of a shape. The path you follow is made up of the sides of the shape.
    Example: In a square, there are four equal sides, and in a triangle, there are three sides.
  2. Corners (Vertices):
    Definition: Corners, also called vertices, are the points where the sides meet.
    Explanation: Corners are like the meeting points of the sides. They are where you change direction as you walk along the edges.
    Example: In a square, there are four corners where the sides meet. In a triangle, there are three corners.

Examples for Grade 1:
Sides: Four equal straight sides.
Corners: Four square corners where the sides meet.
Sides: Three straight sides.
Corners: Three corners where the sides meet.
Sides: No straight sides.
Corners: No corners (considered round).

Shape Hunt:
Have students identify and count sides and corners in everyday objects around the classroom. Drawing Shapes:
Ask students to draw different shapes and label the sides and corners.

In grade 1, the emphasis is on introducing these basic concepts in a simple and concrete way. Engaging activities and visual aids help make the learning experience enjoyable and effective. As students progress, they’ll build on these foundational concepts in later grades.

Have a look at this video, if you need to review how to identify shapes by the number of sides and corners.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Sides, Corners of Shapes Worksheets.

Sides, Corners of Shapes worksheet for first grade

More Sides, Corners of Shapes Worksheets

(These worksheets are printable files with answers.)
Sides, Corners of Shapes Worksheet #1
Sides, Corners of Shapes Worksheet #2

Shapes Lesson for Grade 1

Recognizing 2D Shapes
Recognizing 3D Shapes

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