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Phonic Sounds
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English for Kids
Consonant Digraph
Videos and songs to help First Grade kids learn how to pronounce words with the silent GH.
List of words where the GH is not pronounced. “GH” can also have different sounds.
Understanding the Silent “gh”
The silent “gh” is a digraph (two letters that work together) that appears in many English words. In these cases, the “gh” doesn’t make any sound. Learning this rule can help kids improve their reading and spelling skills.
Silent “gh” After a Vowel
When “gh” comes after a vowel, it is often silent.
light, night, bright, sight, fight
high, sigh, thigh, might, right
Rule: The “gh” doesn’t make any sound and the vowel before it is usually long.
Silent “gh” at the End of Words
In some words, “gh” is silent when it appears at the end.
though, through, bough, plough
These words may have tricky pronunciations, but “gh” itself is silent.
Examples of Words with GH
The following diagram shows some examples of words with gh: F sound, G sound, and silent. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions.
Songs and Rhymes
Gh Songs: Use songs or create simple rhymes that emphasize the silent gh.
Silent Letters: GH
How to pronounce words with the letters gh?
Phonics with Silent GH and GH that Sounds Like F
Consonant Digraphs | ||
CH Sound | PH Sound | Soft TH |
Hard TH | WH Sound | PH Sound |
GH Sound | NG Sound | Consonant Digraphs |
Silent Letters | ||
Silent B | Silent C | Silent D |
Silent E | Silent G | Silent GH |
Silent H | Silent K | Silent L |
Silent T | Silent W |
Learn the Sounds of the Letters
Learning Short Vowels
Short Vowels | ||
Short A | Short E | Short I |
Short O | Short U | Short Vowels |
Learning Long Vowels
Long Vowels | ||
Long A | Long E | Long I |
Long O | Long U | Y (vowel) |
Long Vowels | Short, Long Vowels |
Compare Short & Long Vowels
Short & Long Vowels | ||
Short & Long A | Short & Long E | Short & Long I |
Short & Long O | Short & Long U | Short I & Long E |
Learning Consonants
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