Free online lessons on sine and cosine rules suitable for A Level Maths with examples, solutions and video lessons.
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What is the Sine Rule?
For sides, asinA=bsinB=csinC
For angles, sinAa=sinBb=sinCc
What is the Cosine Rule?
To find a side when you know the other two sides and the angle between them use:
To find an angle when you know three sides use:
Sine and Cosine Rule
Sine and Cosine Rule - Exam Questions
Cosine rule (Finding a Length)
How to find the length of a side of a triangle using the cosine rule?
Cosine rule (Finding an Angle)
How to find an angle of a triangle using the cosine rule?
A-Level Maths Edexcel C2 January 2008 Q6a ExamSolutions
This question is on the cosine rule
A-Level Maths Edexcel C2 January 2007 Q9(a) : ExamSolutions
Worked solution to the above Core 2 question on finding an angle in radians using the cosine rule.
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