Titration is a technique in chemistry used to determine the unknown concentration of a solution. It involves carefully adding a solution of known concentration (called the titrant) to the unknown solution (called the analyte) until a specific endpoint is reached. This endpoint signifies the point where the analyte and titrant have reacted completely, allowing you to calculate the unknown concentration.
Here’s a breakdown of the key steps:
- Setting the Stage:
Prepare the standard solution: Precisely measure and dissolve a known amount of the titrant in a solvent to create a solution with a defined concentration.
Measure the analyte: Take an accurately measured volume of the unknown solution using calibrated glassware.
Choose an indicator: Select a chemical that changes color to visually signal the endpoint of the reaction.
- Start the titration:
Fill the burette: The titrant solution is carefully added from a burette, a graduated cylinder with a precise stopcock, allowing for controlled addition in small drops.
Slow and steady wins the race: Titrate slowly, stirring continuously, to ensure thorough mixing and accurate reaction progress.
Watch the indicator transform: As the titrant reacts with the analyte, the indicator changes color, signifying the approaching endpoint.
- Reaching the Finish Line:
Endpoint achieved: The chosen indicator undergoes a distinct color change, marking the equivalence point, where all the analyte has reacted with the titrant.
Record the volume: Note the volume of titrant used from the burette reading.
- Use the recorded volume of titrant, its known concentration, and the reaction stoichiometry to calculate the concentration of the unknown solution.
Common calculations: Molarity (mol/L), mass concentration (g/L), or percentage concentration (%) can be obtained depending on the specific scenario.
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