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Eureka Math/EngageNY grade 1 module 2 lesson 25 Worksheets
New York State Common Core Math Grade 1 Module 2, Lesson 25
Eureka Math grade 1 module 2 lesson 25 Worksheets (pdf)
Worksheets, solutions, and videos to help Grade 1 students learn how to strategize and apply understanding of the equal sign to solve equivalent expressions.
Common Core Standards: 1.OA.1,
1.OA.7. 1.OA.8
NYS Math Module 2 Grade 1 Lesson 25
Lesson 25 Application Problem
Micah had 16 trucks and lost 9 of them. Charles had 1 truck and
received 6 more trucks from his mother. Who has more trucks,
Micah or Charles?
Lesson 25 Exit Ticket
You are given these new expression cards. Write matching expressions to make true
number sentences.
8 + 9, 12 - 7, 19 - 2, 2 + 15
3 + 2, 10 + 7, 14 - 9, 1 + 4
Lesson 25 Homework
1. Circle "true" or "false".
a. 2 + 3 = 5 + 1
b. 7 + 9 = 6 + 10
2. Lola and Charlie are using expression cards to make true number sentences. Use
pictures and words to show who is right.
a. Lola picked 4 + 8 and Charlie picked 9 + 3. Lola says these expressions are equal
but Charlie disagrees. Who is right? Explain your thinking
3. The following addition number sentences are False. Change one number in each problem to make a True number sentence, and rewrite the number sentence.
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problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
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