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The following diagram shows how to graph a line using the gradient intercept method. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions drawing a straight line graph using the gradient intercept method.

How to draw a straight line graph using the gradient and intercept method?
Write the equation of the line in the form y = mx + c.
c is the intercept and tells you the point where the line crosses the y axis.
m is the gradient and tells you how many squares up or down your go for every unit increase in x. If m is positive the line goes up and if m is negative the line goes down.
For example, the graph y = 2x - 5 crosses the y axis at (0,-5). The gradient is 2 (m = 2) so for every square right you can go up 2 squares. So you can plot points at (1,-3), (2,-1),(3,1)
GCSE Tutorial, Straight Line Graphs, linear equations, y = mx + c
Sketching Straight Line Graphs, basic linear functions
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