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Types of Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns
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Types of Pronouns in English
Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns in sentences. They help avoid repetition and make sentences clearer. In this lesson, we will learn what are subject pronouns, object pronouns, and reflexive pronouns.
The following diagram shows types of pronouns: subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns and reflexive pronouns. Scroll down the page for more examples of the different types of pronouns.
The following video will help you recognize and learn the difference between the Subject Pronouns: I, We, You, He, She, It, and They and the Object Pronouns: Me, Us, You, Him, Her, It and Them.
The following video will show you how to make a possessive pronoun by replacing a possessive adjective + noun to avoid repetition.
The following video explains what reflexive pronouns are and when they are used.
The following video explains the difference between THIS, THAT, THESE and THOSE.
Interrogative Pronouns
Used to ask questions.
Examples: who, whom, whose, which, what
Sentence: Who is at the door?
Reciprocal Pronouns Show a mutual relationship or action. Examples: each other, one another Sentence: The two friends helped each other with homework.
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