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Common Core Math
Lessons, Math Worksheets and Games for Grade 2
Common Core
Math Lessons, Math Worksheets and Games for all grades
Examples, videos, and solutions to help Grade 2 students learn how to subtract multiples of 100 and some tens within 1,000 using the arrow way.
Common Core Standards:
New York State Common Core Math Grade 2, Module 5, Lesson 4
NYS Math Module 5 Grade 2 Lesson 4
Worksheets for Grade 2
The following diagram shows an example of subtraction using the arrow way. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions for subtracting using the arrow way.

Lesson 4 Homework
1. Solve using the arrow way.
750 - 400
750 - 450
750 - 480
2. Solve using a simplifying strategy. Use scratch paper if needed.
440 - 240 = _______
440 - 260 = _______
440 - 290 = ________
970 - 470 = _______
970 - 480 = _______
970 - 490 = ________
3. Solve.
a. 66 tens – 30 tens = _________
b. 66 tens – 36 tens = ________
c. 66 tens – 38 tens = _________
d. 67 tens – 39 tens = ________
e. What is the value of 28 tens? _________________
f. What is the value of 36 tens? _________________
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