Sum And Difference Identities

In these lessons we will learn

  • the sum identities and difference identities for sine, cosine and tangent.
  • how to use the sum identities and difference identities to simplify trigonometric expressions.
  • how to use the sum identities and difference identities to prove other trigonometric identities.

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What are the Sum and Difference Identities?

The following shows the Sum and Difference Identities for sin, cos and tan. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions on how to use the identities.

Sum and Difference Identities


Given that cos(α + β) = cos α cos β – sin α sin β, then



How to use the sum and difference identities for sin, cos, and tan?


  1. Find sin(105°) exactly
  2. Find cos(105°) exactly
  3. Find tan(105°) exactly

How to use Sum and Difference Identities to find exact trig values?


  1. Find cos(3π4,π3) exactly
  2. Find cos(42°)cos(18°) - sin(42°)sin(18°) exactly
  3. Find tan80tan351+tan80tan35 exactly
  4. Find cos(u + v) exactly if sin(u) = 3/5 and sin(v) = 12/13 where u and v are acute angles (quadrant I)

How to use the Sum and Difference Identities to Prove Other Identities

Prove sin(α + β) - sin(α - β) = 2cosαsinβ

Using the Sum and Difference Identities for Sine, Cosine and Tangent

Example 1:
If sin x = 12/13 and x is in the first quadrant, find tan(2x)

Using the Sum and Difference Identities for Sine, Cosine and Tangent

Example 2:
If tan x = 5/3 and x is in the first quadrant, find sin(2x)

Using the Sum and Difference Identities for Sine, Cosine and Tangent

Example 3:
Simplify 1 - 16sin2x cos2x

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