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Learn how to write and explain the formula for the surface area of a cube. After trying the questions, click on the buttons to view answers and explanations in text or video.
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Surface Area of a Cube
Let’s write a formula to find the surface area of a cube.
Illustrative Math Unit 6.1, Lesson 18 (printable worksheets)
18.1 - Exponent Review
Select the greater expression of each pair without calculating the value of each expression. Be prepared to explain your choices.
a. 10 · 3 or 103
b. 132 or 12 · 12
c. 97 + 97 + 97 + 97 + 97 + 97 or 5 · 97
18.2 - The Net of a Cube
1. A cube has edge length 5 inches.
2. A cube has edge length 17 units.
18.3 - Every Cube in the Whole World
A cube has edge length s.
1. Draw a net for the cube.
2. Write an expression for the area of each face. Label each face with its area.
3. Write an expression for the surface area.
4. Write an expression for the volume.
Lesson 18 Summary
The volume of a cube with edge length s is s3.
A cube has 6 faces that are all identical squares. The surface area of a cube with edge length s is 6 · s2.
Practice Problems
1. a. What is the volume of a cube with edge length 8 in?
b. What is the volume of a cube with edge length ⅓ cm?
c. A cube has a volume of 8 ft3. What is its edge length?
2. a. What three-dimensional figure can be assembled from this net?
b. If each square has a side length of 61 cm, write an expression for the surface area and another for the volume of the figure.
3. a. Draw a net for a cube with edge length x cm.
b. What is the surface area of this cube?
c. What is the volume of this cube?
4. Here is a net for a rectangular prism that was not drawn accurately.
a. Explain what is wrong with the net.
b. Draw a net that can be assembled into a rectangular prism.
c. Create another net for the same prism.
5. State whether each figure is a polyhedron. Explain how you know.
6. Here is Elena’s work for finding the surface area of a rectangular prism that is 1 foot by 1 foot by 2 feet.
She concluded that the surface area of the prism is 296 square feet. Do you agree with her conclusion? Explain your reasoning.
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