Algebra: Symbol Word Problems

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Symbol word problems use symbols (like squares, circles, triangles, etc.) to represent unknown values or operations.

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Symbol Problems are word problems that use symbols to represent a certain group of operations.
The question will always tell you what the symbols means. Read the question carefully and then plug in the numbers.

General Strategies:

  1. Understand the Symbols: Carefully examine what each symbol represents. It might be a number, an operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), or a combination of both.
  2. Look for Patterns: Often, there’s a pattern or rule that connects the symbols. Try to identify this rule.
  3. Substitute and Solve: Once you understand the symbols and the pattern, substitute the given values and solve for the unknown.
  4. Check Your Answer: Make sure your solution fits the pattern and makes sense in the context of the problem.

Example 1:

symbol problem 1 What is the value of symbol problem 2


Step 1: Plug in x= 1/3

symbol problem example 1

Step 2: Plug in x = 4

symbol problem 4

Step 3: Add the two

symbol problem 5

Answer: 10 5/6

Example 2:

symbol problem 6 If symbol problem 7, what is the value of k?


Step 1: Plug in x = 4 and y = 5

symbol problem 8

Step 2: Plug in x = k and y = 10

symbol problem 9

Step 3: Equate the two

symbol problem 10

Cross Multiply

symbol problem 11

Answer: 8

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SAT Math Tutorial - Functions with Weird Symbols

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