Related Topics:
Common Core
Common Core
for Mathematics
Examples, solutions, videos, and lessons to help High School students learn how to solve
systems of linear equations exactly and approximately (e.g., with
graphs), focusing on pairs of linear equations in two variables.
Suggested Learning Targets
- Solve systems of equations using graphs.
- Solve systems of equations using the elimination method
(sometimes called linear combinations).
- Solve a system of equations by substitution (solving for one
variable in the first equation and substitution it into the
second equation).
Common Core: HSA-REI.C.6
Solving Systems of Equations Graphically
CCSS A.REI.6 - Solving Linear Systems by Graphing
A.REI.6-1 - Solve Linear Systems by Graphing
Applications Involving Systems of Equations
1) Find the two numbers for which the sum is 93 and the difference
is 9.
2) The perimeter of a rectangle is 160 yd. The width is 4 more than
half the length. Find the length and the width.
3) Sunset rents an 18 ft truck for $49.95 plus 75 cents per mile.
Cactus rents a 18 ft van for $59.95 plus 50 cents per mile. For what
millage is the cost the same?
Ex: System of Equations Application - Coin Problem
This video explains how to solve an application problem using a
system of equations.
A woman has 21 coins in her pocket, all of which are dimes and
quarters. If the total value of her change is $3.90, how many dimes
and how many quarters does she have?
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