Tell Time to Quarter Hour Worksheets

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Printable “Tell Time” worksheets:
Tell Time to the hour (eg. 6 o’clock)
Tell Time to the half hour (eg. half past 5)
Tell Time to the quarter hour (eg. quarter to 7)
Tell Time to the nearest five minutes (eg. 4:15)
Elapsed Time Word Problems

Tell Time to Quarter Hour Worksheets

Worksheets to help students

  • partition a circle into halves and quarters
  • tell time to the half hour or quarter hour

Teaching students to tell time to the quarter hour is an important skill.

  1. Start by ensuring students understand the basic time concepts, including the concepts of hours, minutes, the hour hand, and the minute hand on a clock.
  2. Review the clock face with the students, emphasizing the numbers on the clock and the placement of the hour and minute hands.
  3. Explain that the clock is divided into four equal parts, representing quarter hours.
  4. Highlight the positions of the minute hand for the quarter-hour marks: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 45 minutes.
  5. Use visual aids such as a large classroom clock or digital resources to demonstrate quarter-hour time.
  6. Provide examples of clock faces showing different quarter-hour times. Practice reading and identifying the time.
    On a clock, when the minute hand points to the 3, it represents 15 minutes (a quarter past the hour).
    When the minute hand points to the 6, it represents 30 minutes (half past the hour).
    When the minute hand points to the 9, it represents 45 minutes (a quarter to the next hour).

Have a look at this video if you need to learn how to tell time to quarter hour.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Tell Time Quarter Hour Worksheets.

Tell Time Quarter Hour

More Tell Time to Quarter Hour Worksheets

(Answers on the second page)
Tell Time Quarter Hour Worksheet #1
Tell Time Quarter Hour Worksheet #2

Tell Time to Quarter Hour

More Printable Worksheets

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